Organizer’s Manual.
For the 24th of September 2016:
Select a race course that is as flat as possible and measures in at 21 km, res. 13 mi. be exact and measure the absolutely shortest possible way so that no shortcut can be taken. Measure the course first on the map and then ride it with a odometer (bike computer). The route needs to pass by either the main train station or the city hall of your city. This race is a lottery as it is and we should try to even chances out as much as we can.
Select five spots as checkpoints (start and finish do not count as checkpoints!). The first checkpoint is given at the start. At each following checkpoint the next one will be given. So the racers only know at the checkpoint where to go next. At each checkpoint the route needs to deviate in direction so the race includes any direction – North – East – South – West.
You can either have people at the checkpoint to tell where to go next or use signs to indicate the next checkpoint.
Make no fun or hidden checkpoints!
Make it as simple as possible to keep the global chances equal.
The race must start on time! S-H-A-R-P-!
According to your choosen timezone, see below..
After all racers have finished the course, e-mail the results to
The results are needed maximum 72 hours after the race. Give us the exact time in minutes and seconds when the line was crossed.
ONLY (ex) messengers may organise a Global Gutz race. This is not an ordinary fun alleycat for non messengers. It is a competition between working messengers. Thanks for your understanding.
We wont collect money this year for a flight ticket to cmwc, crash-fonds, or whatever else good cause it used to be, but every city is welcome to raise money for a local project of their choice – you people know best who needs the support right now! Would be nice though if you send a short presentation of the project/group/whatever you wanna support so we can collect those and see all together how awesome we are!
The cities can choose between 2 time zones to race – surely for most cities only one of the starting times makes sense.
Time zone 1 is for example:
Los Angeles 4am / NYC 7am / Berlin 1pm / Tokyo 9pm / Sydney 10 pm
Time zone 2 is for example:
Los Angeles 1pm / NYC 4pm / Berlin 10pm / Tokyo 5am (Sun 8th Nov) / Sydney 6 am (Sun 8th Nov) (2015 timezones.. might change in 2016)